INSpiREzine Tangrams! | Page 42

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The oldest known mathematical puzzle is called the

Ostomachion (also known as the Syntomachion, the

Stomachion, or the "loculus of Archimedes" <Archimedes'

box>) and dates back two thousand years ago to

Archimedes. It is a flat puzzle comprised of 14 polygon

pieces (11 triangles, 1 pentagon and 2 quadrangles) set

in the shape of a square.

The word “Ostomachion” is derived fr om the Greek οστό

(‘osteon’ - meaning bone) and μάχη (‘mache’ - meaning fight,

battle or combat). Literally, “Ostomachion” means “bone-

fight” which is fitting since the pieces were originally

made of bone.

The Ostomachion was first discovered, in 1906, in the pages of the Archimedes Palimpsest (palimpsest: a manuscript page from which the text has been scraped or washed off so that the page can be reused for another document) - a 10th-century manuscript containing the copied writings of Archimedes that was overwritten with religious text by 13th-century monks.

Before the pages could be completely studied, the 14-piece square was assumed to be a sort of children’s puzzle, that much like a tangram set, could be rearranged to form different figures (animals, people, objects etc). Although this seemed to be beneath Archimedes talent, there was no clearer explanation at the time.