INSpiREzine O Canada - Maple Leaf Edition | Page 60

11. While Canada has two official languages (English and French), it is also home to over 60 indigenous languages that are not spoken anywhere else in the world. Of these 60-plus languages, most are in danger of being lost. Stats Canada estimates that only Cree, Ojibwa and Inuktitut have enough speakers for the languages to survive beyond another generation.

12. Nine out of ten Canadians live within 200km of the US-Canada border.

13. Canada is the #1 donut consumer in the world. We have 37 million people in Canada, and we eat over one billion donuts annually.

14. Superman - and his alter ego Clark Kent - were co-created by Canadian artist Joseph Shuster. In fact, the city of Metropolis was modelled after Toronto and the Daily Planet newspaper was inspired by the Toronto Star, which Shuster delivered as a kid.

15. Canadians follow the metric system...well sort of...We follow speed limits and measure length in meters, but we measure our height in feet. We check the outside temperature in Celsius, but we cook in Fahrenheit. We buy our food by the kilogram but we weigh ourselves in pounds.

16. A dinosaur called the Coronasaurus was an actual dinosaur that lived in Canada 72 million years ago.