INSpiREzine O Canada - Maple Leaf Edition | Page 3

Welcome to the Maple Leaf Edition of INSpiREzine!

The fabric of our nation has been spun from the colourful strands of diversity.

We are a tapestry of interwoven cultures both bound together and stained by our struggles towards a more inclusive Canada.

We are not perfect. We never were. There are many wrongs that we still need to right.

But in the words of the late Jack Layton,

“Love is better than anger.

Hope is better than fear.

Optimism is better than despair.

So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic.

And together, we will change the world.”

I like math AND I like art. People always want to know if I am going to be a scientist or an artist. I still have not decided. Maybe one or the other, neither or both!

I hope you enjoy this issue of INSpiREzine!
