INSpiREzine Mandalas! | Page 10

◉ 3: knowledge, east, wood, and spring

◉ 7: west, metal, and autumn

◉ 1: the beginning, north, water, and winter

◉ 8: order, balance, infinity, and rebirth

◉ 9: south, fire, and summer

◉ 5: love, the center, and earth

Certain numbers are also symbolic:

Black: death, abandonment, invincibility, and renewal

Red: love, passion, strength, anger, and impulsiveness

Yellow: joy, wisdom, and enlightenment

Violet: magic, inspiration, intuition, and spirituality

Blue: life, healing, and serenity

Green: growth, power, and ambition

White: peace, purity, and truth

Orange: creativity and transformation

Pink: gentleness

Colours, like forms, also have specific meanings: