INSpiREzine Germs Gone Viral! | Page 67

6. Particles from a sneeze can travel 8 meters (26 feet) at an average speed of 100kph!

7. You have 1,458 unique forms of bacteria in your belly button.

8. A clean mouth has between 1,000 and 100,000 bacteria on each tooth, while less clean mouths can have between 100 million and 1 billion bacteria on each tooth.

9. Germs can survive for up to 3 hours on your hands.

10. Damp hands spread 1,000 times more germs than dry hands.

11. Only 5% of people wash their hands with soap and water long enough. It takes a minimum of 20 seconds to effectively kill germs. Also, it is the friction of washing your hands together with soap and water, and not the temperature of the water, that actually kills germs (in reality, water hot enough to kill germs would scald your hands).

12. Drying your hands with paper towels will reduce bacterial counts by 45 - 60%. Conversely, using a hand-dryer will increase the germs on your hands by up to 255%. Jet dryers also disperse 60x more germs into the air than traditional warm dryers and 1300x more than paper towels (that being said, dryers are more eco-friendly).

Germs can survive for up to three hours on your hands.