INSpiREzine Germs Gone Viral! | Page 16


Viruses, bacteria, and other germs can exist for a surprisingly long time outside the body. The way that germs spread is particular to each type of microbe. Spread can occur:

Through carrier organisms such as mosquitoes and ticks.

Yellow Fever, Dengue Fever, Zika Fever, Chikungunya, West Nile disease, Malaria

Through the air (either droplets or aerosol - not the same).

The common cold, Influenza, Chickenpox, Measles, Mumps, Smallpox, Anthrax, Tuberculosis, Covid-19

Via direct transfer of body fluids from one person to another (saliva, sweat, mucus, blood, or any other bodily fluids).

HIV, Hepatitis, CMV, Herpes, Gastroenteritis,

From direct contact with surfaces on which body fluids have dried.

Through contact with animals.

Rabies, Cat-Scratch Disease, Toxoplasmosis, Q-Fever

From water and soil.

Legionella, Tetanus

From contaminated water and food.

Botulism, Cholera, Salmonella, Typhoid, Listeria


The cascade of symptoms that occurs when you "catch a bug" has everything to do with "the bug" attacking the different cells in your body.

1. An infected person sneezes in your vicinity.

2. You inhale the virus and it attaches to the cells lining your nasal sinuses. The virus attacks these cells and then rapidly replicates new viruses.

3. The nasal sinus cells lyse and the virus spreads into your bloodstream and lungs. Because you have lost some of the cells lining your sinuses, fluid can flow into your nasal passages thereby giving you a runny nose.

4. Virus in the fluid that drips down your throat attacks the cells lining your throat, giving you a sore throat.

5. A virus in your bloodstream can attack muscle cells giving you muscle aches.

6. The same thing can happen to the cells in your heart, kidneys liver and lungs, leading to organ damage.