INSpiREzine Colours of the World | Page 54

Making Waves : Anatomy of a Wave ).
Visible light , or white light , is made up of wavelengths of light , and each wavelength is a particular colour . On one end of the spectrum of visible light , red light has the longest wavelength , the lowest frequency , and the lowest energy ; on the other end , violet has the shortest wavelength , the highest frequency , and the highest energy .
When visible light strikes an object , the object will selectively absorb , reflect or transmit certain of the light wavelengths / frequencies . The manner in which visible light interacts with an object depends upon two factors : » the frequency of the light wave » the nature of the atoms of the object
Absorption Objects are made up of atoms . Atoms contain electrons that have natural frequencies at which they tend to vibrate .
If a light wave with a specific frequency strikes an object with electrons having the same natural frequency , then those electrons will be set into vibrational motion ( the electrons are said to be in resonance with the solar energy : resonance occurs when two entities share the same vibrational frequency , in this case the light wave and the electrons - the light forces the electrons into regular vibrational motion , resulting in large vibrations ).