INSpiREzine Colours of the World | Page 18

The perception of colour depends on three elements : light , vision , and individual interpretation . The study of colour perception , therefore , involves the study of physics , physiology , and even a bit of psychology .


Electromagnetic radiation can be described as fluctuations of electric and magnetic fields , transporting energy at the speed of light , or 299,792,458 meters / sec . The entire electromagnetic spectrum is extremely broad , ranging from low energy radio waves with wavelengths that are measured in meters , to high energy gamma rays with wavelengths that are less than 1 x10 -11 meters . Humans are blind to most wavelengths of light . Visible light refers to the very narrow part of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be detected by the human eye , precisely , 380 to 700 nanometers .
We see these waves as the colours of the rainbow ( red , orange , yellow , green , blue , violet ). Each colour corresponds to a different span of wavelengths , roughly ranging from 700 nanometers
( red ) to 380 nanometers ( violet ). Waves outside of this range are not visible to humans and so are considered to be outside of the “ visible light ” spectrum .