Inspired September | Page 26

PEERS PAGE The PEERS Project (PEERS) pages are pages devoted to the 1 million kids that PEERS has served in Indiana. The PEERS Project creates a positive their peers how to make healthy lifestyle choices. PEERS’ creates this network by empowering positive teenage role models and creating communities of how to recognize and break free from techniques to deal with bullying and negative peer pressure. The teen leaders encourage teenagers to enjoy life and form healthy relationships while avoiding the life-changing consequences of sexual activity. Their stand for healthy choices and against risky behaviors them and other teens a positive peer network and a source of positive When I think of PEERS, I think of older kids going out of their way to make sure the younger kids have the chance to live a happy, healthy life.” Daniel, 19 12th Grade Lawrence North High School my experience as my major source of inspiration. I am to be precise. And although you will not see the typical African art in my pieces are inspired by my experience. I moved to the United States when I was change triggered my artistic mind. I had never been very serious about my artistry until I had to use it as an outlet for coping with the huge changes that were happening in my life. It became very easy for me to sit in front of a paper and just unload however I had found an effective way to achieve a state of peace; it was my own little personal dimension. As I started making more learned about more artist and started experiencing new using different 26 Inspired media. Although my favorite medium to this date remains my media. Digital Adobe Photoshop been major part of my combined media artworks. I would usually start a piece in a application software such as Photoshop and Illustrator. This is a technique I developed when I did not have access to the art supplies create the illusion of the textures I wanted for some of my developed a better understanding [