Inspired September | Page 24

POCA KIDS CHANGE THE WORLD to let them know they were cared for during the holiday season. deployed to Afghanistan to serve Through continued conversations keep in touch with him during his orphanage that was in desperate how much the soldiers truly longed for a connection to home. I talked with my social studies teacher and arranged for each of the students in my class to become a pen pal with a which led to the creation of a drive to send items to them. Because of the excitement spread throughout grant I received as part of my award assisted with shipping costs for a in each day anxious to see if any letters were waiting for us. Because organized a drive to collect food and personal care items and sent 140 care packages to the soldiers and generous donors contributed Children’s Museum of Indianapolis in their inaugural year of the Power a second clothing drive for the supply drive which donated nearly make these drives successful. I am extremely grateful to the Children’s Museum and the Power of Children Award for affording me the opportunity to continue and expand my project to the people of Afghanistan. Anniversary Ashelle, 22 Freshman Butler University Making a Difference 24 Inspired /InspiredKidsIndy /inspiredkidmag