today I am more certain than ever that God never
church choirs in the country. I have played soccer in
guidance of amazing coaches who care deeply for me
navigating all my school work in English. Learning to
read and write English has been really challenging for
have become two of my favorite authors. Although
spend a week immersed in the study of weather at the
Penn State Meteorology program. Meteorology is my
food of my country. Just like every other American
pursue a meteorology degree in college.
feel like my brothers and sisters are driving me insane!
pains of hunger always keeps me humble. I remember
dropped on my head through the tin roof whenever it
I’ll tell you proudly about Ethiopia’s ancient cities of
will hear me talk about how lucky I am to also be an
American and how I am a proud follower of Christ. I talk
family deeply and eagerly look forward to the countless
opportunities which lie ahead.
Henok, 13
8th Grade
Express Yourself 13