Inspired by Nature Inspired by Nature | Page 16

Climbing/Personal Outdoor Trips The Nose of El Capitan in Yosemite is almost a right of passage for a climber, so that has always been a goal of mine. I also want to start taking longer backpacking trips, hoping to take a month long trip through the Sierra one day.

Trips to Lead I hope to lead more backpacking trips, a Havasu Falls trip, and one day get my Single Pitch Instructor certification to lead climbing


Personal Travels I want to take a year off at some point, pack up a van and visit every national park in the US. Internationally, I hope to return to South America - see Patagonia, the Amazon, Machu Picchu, as well as spend time in the cities of Peru, Chile, Colombia and Brazil. I also want

to travel to New Zealand.

My Life in 5/10/15/20 Years I plan to be working with an organization that supports causes that I am passionate about. At the moment, I see myself working in international economic development or environmental stewardship. I also hope to attend graduate school. Personally, I aim to be an adventurous and caring person - traveling and exploring while

making a difference. I hope to

have lived in multiple cities/states/ OA has really defined a lot of my USD experience. It has been the place of some of my most fond memories, my best friends and most challenging experiences that have given me a great confidence. A lot of my time and energy has been dedicated to OA here at USD.

To Other USD Students Whatever you choose is your place and passion at USD, follow it and really give yourself to it (whether or not this is OA). The more you give to a group, the more you'll get back.

To USD Administrators/Faculty I really love USD because of its small size and the leadership opportunities that that allows for students. For me, the places on campus where I have grown have been in my leadership roles (OA, the Climbing Team, Torero Dance Marathon).

Lago de los tres in El Chaltén, Argentina


Sarah's Goals and Aspirations

Inspired By Nature