Inspired 2014 | Page 2

Commandant’s Foreword Welcome to the 2014 edition of Inspired, the County magazine of Northumbria Army Cadet Force. 2014 proved to be an exceptional year for many of you, for some this is because of your engagement with the nation's commemoration of the outbreak of the First World War in August 1914. Over recent months the County has participated in numerous parades and projects to mark the nation's call to arms. This was underpinned by our participation in the Local Hero Project with each Company researching an individual from their community who became caught up in the conflict. The enthusiasm and dedication with which the project was tackled led to Northumbria ACF taking first and second place in a Brigade competition designed to identify the best research projects. Others may remember 2014 as the year in which they travelled overseas to undertake exciting and challenging training. Exercise Seria found 30 staff and senior cadets travelling to Brunei to learn how to live in the jungle for two weeks, whilst Exercise Ducy enabled cadets to visit Normandy on the 70th anniversary of the D Day landings. Many cadets and adults seized the opportunity to undertake adventure training with groups participating in a scuba diving course in Malta, skiing in the French Alps, walking in Bavaria or caving in Cheddar Gorge. The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) has provided many opportunities for personal development. More of our adult staff and cadets have achieved awards than ever before. The quality of the DofE programme in Northumbria ACF is second to none. If you are not involved then you are missing out. This would not be possible without the leadership of Major Thompson and his dedicated team who work hard to facilitate our participation. I thank all of the adult staff involved in delivering this important programme and all of the participants for their enthusiasm and achievements. We continue to offer, and compete strongly in, a wide range of sports including football, rugby, hockey, swimming, athletics, cross country and orienteering with individuals representing the County and ACF at Regional and National level. Sport provides the opportunity to develop team work and a competitive spirit so needed in today's modern world. Many adults and cadets join the ACF for the opportunity to shoot, and it is in this area that we have made the greatest stride forward. From small bore through the army's general issue rifle and light support weapon to the 7.62mm target rifle we have met with so much success that our silver cabinet is in danger of bursting open. The appointment of Lt Richard Stebbings as our new County Shooting Officer promises to ensure that we will become even stronger and we are hopeful that up to three cadets will be selected to take part in the Athelings tour of Canada in summer 2015. There are other talented individuals behind them who are also strong contenders for future selection for the national ACF squad. All of these achievements pale by comparison to the difference that each Detachment makes to its local community. Week in and week out the adult volunteers and cadets are out and about collecting money for worthy causes, tidying up war memorials, helping local charities and more. It was for this reason that Morpeth Detachment were selected as a suitable representative to receive the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the organisational equivalent of an MBE. All members of Northumbria ACF can be very proud of this achievement. Looking ahead 2015 promises to be another very busy and enjoyable year. However this relies upon the hard work of a small permanent staff in County Headquarters, the recruitment and continued commitment of adults willing to serve as officers and adult volunteers plus most importantly the continued enthusiasm of each and every cadet. You have all made Northumbria ACF what it is, one of the very best ACF Counties in the United Kingdom and an organisation of which I am very proud to say I belong. For 2015 I say good luck and embrace every opportunity which comes your way. 22