What’s the best thing
about Army
From the Cadets
Gaining confidence and friendship
through cadets
Meeting and helping members of the
public and raising funds for service
Learning new skills and having adventures which I would not normally
be able to experience without the
Learning new skills, becoming involved in the community
Going into the community to support
both them and service charities such
as the Royal British Legion
Making new friends and gaining new
skills you wouldn't learn in your
everyday life
The confidence gained from the
support of adult instructors, making
new friends and learning new skills.
Trying different things and learning
new skills
Gaining confidence in my ability to
master new skills
Taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh
Award scheme
Being able to take part in representative sport
Making new friends, gaining new
skills, increased confidence
The many opportunities to travel
Making new friends and the support
of the NCO’s
Seeing them inspire to achieve.
(RSMI Anika Morrison)
Being able to shoot different types
of weapons