David Winderlich
I started writing this in Hope’s Café next to Lillie, the therapy dog. She was sitting on the lap of a delighted young boy - he was beaming from ear to ear. It took him months to smile and now he doesn't stop. It was a Wednesday, our quiet day but by lunchtime, the place was comfortably full of asylum seekers, pensioners, the unemployed and the lonely. They lead difficult lives, but you wouldn't have known it from the buzz of conversation.
Welfare rights had just left and it being Mental Health Week, a panel was about to share their experiences as part of removing the stigma of mental illness.
On Wednesday evening, a small committee began planning a consultation on domestic violence and asylum seekers.
Friday brought a talent quest with 14 acts, including a stand-up comedy act about checking into a psych ward, a performance of tango, lots of music and poetry, and culminating in a performance, audience included, of Spire Alive, inspired by Saturday Night Fever - complete with John Travolta dance moves.
Perhaps most importantly of all, Mental Health Week was designed and organised by a committee of people with mental health challenges.
Meanwhile, the less flamboyant but equally important cogs in this strange steampunk machine which we call the Spire Community, keep whirring away. The Goodies Op Shop is making the money we need to operate, our Emergency Relief does it’s best to ensure no one goes hungry, our suite of Low Income Support Programs are providing the skills and knowledge to manage on a low income. Dozens of other volunteers are teaching English as a Second Language, or helping with resumes and the Tuesday gang maintains the premises.
This week brings a silent film night to raise funds for the legal costs of asylum seekers and the only Anti-Poverty Week Conference organised by people in poverty.
Our aim is to create a dynamic community where everyone can participate and flourish. From time to time, we fail people because we are too judgemental or not organised enough, but this October is the best demonstration yet of how far we have come and how far we can go.
INSPIRE / October 20163