Inspire | Page 13

The Uniting Communities Eastern branch, which operates as part of the Spire Community, aims to provide emergency relief to people struggling with poverty and meeting the daily expenses of living.

The eastern service has developed a Low Income Support Program to help those on a low income manage the ever increasing cost of living. The program offers a range of different services, including seminars on mental health and energy management, a community garden and an Interest Loans Scheme providing people with credit for the purchase of essential household items.

Fruit and vegetable distribution is a newer feature of the program occurring at Hope's Café on a monthly basis, whereby low income earners are able to fill up a free bag of fresh and seasonal fruits and vegetables, in addition to bread. The fruits and vegetables utilised during the giveaways are sourced from Australia’s largest food relief organisation Foodbank.

Jenny Hurst is among the 10 dedicated volunteers lending a helping hand during the fruit and veg giveaways. Her volunteering role includes welcoming attendees at the door and providing them with information about the produce available on the day. “When Karen Ames and Uniting Communities started the fruit and veggie giveaways, I was looking for community service that I could participate in as a volunteer,” she said. “In my conversations with Karen in Hope’s Café, I heard about her idea of free fruit and vegetables, but with a focus on other needs as well, such as building relationships, acknowledging people's courage to ask for help, removing the stigma of needing some assistance and being treated with dignity. I liked that it was about community development, as much as welfare and assistance.”

According to Ms Hurst, the best part of the giveaways is that they not only cater for the physical needs of individuals, but their human needs as well. “Fruit and veggie giveaways are sometimes vital in the life of people who are doing it tough financially and are certainly a bonus when it comes to the food budget,” she said. “But I think the fruit and veg giveaways are much more than free food. I know when I was needing some assistance, it was important that I also felt cared for, safe and not judged or condescended to. We set up a little cafe style area where people can relax with a cuppa and have a chat with a volunteer, or make new friends.”

The volunteer also acknowledged the work of the Low Income Support Worker and project initiator of the giveaways. “Karen is fantastic, she’s very attentive and creates a wonderful, welcoming and empathetic tone on the day,” she said.

Anyone interested in becoming a fruit and veg volunteer can contact Karen directly via [email protected] or (08) 8331 3529.

By Alma Ramcilovic

Journalism Volunteer

Fruit and vegetables are being given away to those doing it tough financially by a program established by Uniting Communities East.


INSPIRE / October 20163

Click here to visit Uniting Communities’ Eastern Services website.