INSPIRE Third Edition: June 2020 | Page 21

Menopause / Perimenopause - Your lack of periods could be the beginning of menopause. This is genetically programmed, but is more likely over the age of 40. Ask your mother, aunts, sister etc. when their periods stopped and you will likely be the same.

Under-eating⁠ - This is another type of stress - if you're not eating enough and you are under-nourished, then your body won't think you're in a healthy position to make a baby - so won't let you! This doesn't necessarily relate to body weight or BMI - too few calories or carbohydrates no matter your size can interfere with ovulation and your cycle.

Coeliac disease - Women with coeliac disease often report menstrual disorders and researchers are now noticing that undiagnosed coeliac disease may be a major cause of otherwise unexplained amenorrhea - even when there are no apparent digestive symptoms.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) - PCOS is a hormonal metabolic disorder which affects 1 in 5 women of reproductive age and is the most common cause of infertility in the UK. Symptoms commonly include amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea (irregular periods), hair loss, increased facial hair, acne and more.

Thyroid dysfunction - Your thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland in the front of your throat which produces hormones responsible for every cell in the body. The most common type of thyroid dysfunction is hypothyroidism, which occurs when the thyroid does not make

enough hormones. Symptoms to look out for include amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, fatigue, hair loss, dry skin, feeling cold, depression and fluid retention.

⁠Your period is not just your period - think of your period as your monthly report card. It can offer a helpful account of what is happening not only with your hormonal health but your overall health too!

There are many ways to get your hormones back on track and balanced through personalised diet, nutrition and lifestyle changes. If you want to find out what could be causing your menstrual irregularities and how to rectify them, you can schedule a complementary 15 minute telephone consultation here.

Until next month, I hope you've enjoyed this issue and I'll be back in July' edition.

If you would like any topics covered please email [email protected]

Take Care

Kirsten x

Registered Nutritional Therapist | @kirstenoddynutrition