On the other side of the
coin, there are also
circumstances when
photographers pay
models for a photoshoot
for a personal project
such as a gallery show or
a book. In this case, the
photographer becomes
the client. There are
other reasons to pay for a
shoot. When a
photographer needs the
shots for something
speci ic and have certain
quali ications, like
exclusive content and the
other person cannot use
them, even for their
portfolio and sometimes
there are just people that
a photographer wants to
shoot that adds
credibility to his/her own
Meanwhile, it is also
conventional for an
aspiring model who signs
with an agency to pay for
a test shoot. He/she will
pay around $400-$1000
depending on the
audience or market. The
expenses are incurred by
the model, and not the
agency itself. Albeit there
are instances when the
agency may front the
money and compensate
it afterwards from the
model's earnings but
such is just considered as
one of the exceptions to
the general rule. In any
other cases, a model may
be able to ind an agency
quali ied and approved
photographer to test for
free if he/she has a mien
that the photographer
needs. In the sphere of
agency testing, quali ied
test photographer does
not necessarily have to
pay models which means, such photographer
seldom pays for the model’s fee as they have
numerous of models to choose from.
Some models and photographers consider
applying the free tests setup. These tests
refer to photoshoots for the purposes of self-
promotion and portfolio use. A free test is
basically taking advantage of a situation.
Because a model’s portfolio needs to show a
great deal of variety, showing all kinds of
images and the potentials of the model, only
2–4 images from the same free photoshoot
will be utilized to start a listing, hence, free
tests may be reckoned. The idea behind
testing is that, it is a trade between two
professionals. The model gives his/her time
in exchange for the photographer's time.
Time-for-prints is an up to date alternative,
but much more common today, where in
addition to the efforts/skill of the
photographer, the model gets some prints. It
deems fair if both parties are amenable.
From a personal perspective, both aspiring
model and photographer must need to build
PHOTO BY C1Photography
up their portfolio irst, and the ideal way
to start is by shooting trade. It’s a win-
win situation. The idea is this, the model
gets photos for his/her portfolio while
the photographer gets photos for his/her
book, and everybody wins. There will be
no charge to the model as he/she is also
being paired with the photographer who
is also building a portfolio- it’s a mutually
bene icial experience and quite a usual
practice. Some of the great upsides in
doing a trade shoot are: both parties get
to shoot something they want to do; they
can expand their abilities by trying
something new; they get a chance to work
with someone they might not normally
work with; and both parties can get some
new and updated shots for their
respective portfolios and have fun. It is
really a two-way street and the respect
must come both ways. When either the
model or photographer hits the plateau
or ceiling then that will be the time when
either of them has to apply one of the
ways to break through the situation, and