REM cycle. Disruptions to your sleep will
the day’s highlights and writing them down
leave you tired and slow your performance.
will transform your waking and sleeping
To keep your productivity at its highest level,
thought. It’s part of a wealthy lifestyle to
make sure you eliminate any hindrances to
appreciate all the great things of the day:
your sleep cycle. That email or text message
doors held open, great conversations had.
can wait until tomorrow. Turn off your phone
Whatever the highlight, list it and prepare
or put it on silent to ensure a good night’s
your mind for great sleep.
5. Read a real book.
4. Write in your journal. No, not the “dear
One last thing to contribute to your good
diary” kind of entries. Keeping a journal is a
sleep is to read a quality book. You can
practice that can help you process the day
decide what a quality book is to you, but
and make sense of your thoughts. Keep your
reading before bed is a great way to make
journal in the nightstand and every night take
that final transition into sleep.
a few minutes to review the day’s triumphs
It will also keep you away from bright lights
and write down what you’re grateful for that
and electronics (hint: don’t read on your
phone or tablet, the light might disrupt your
Don’t make this a boring, unthoughtful
eyes and affect your sleep cycle) and soothe
experience. Think of it as a nightly meditation
your body into the sleeping process.
-- just two minutes of reflection thinking about