INSPIRE First Edition: April 2020 | Page 9

I stayed with my patient for an hour after my shift had ended last week and let him tell me about his loving marriage with his wife and about each of his grandchildren.

Will COVID19 always be around?

It is likely COVID-19 will be around until we have a vaccination for it. I hope now more than ever, the coronavirus pandemic is showing the world the vital importance of vaccinations!

Feeling anxious about the future what tips can you give people?

I think it’s best to take things day by day. Don’t think about what’s going to happen next week or next month, just get through the day. I find keeping a routine is really helping me. Even on my days off, when I don’t have anything to get up for, I get myself up and dressed… even if it is to watch Netflix! I am trying to exercise, but I don’t always feel like it. I think some daily movement is important not just for our physical health but also for our mental health, so I try go for a walk or run to get some fresh air.

To keep my mental wellbeing in check, I limit how much I watch the news. I tune in most days at 5pm to get the important updates and ensure I’m keeping myself, patients and Instagram audience safe by advocating the correct, most current guidance, but I limit myself to once a day. I find the news can be quiet anxiety triggering.

My final point is to stay connected. Social isolation doesn’t have to mean loneliness. I feel more connected to some friends via video call now, than I did even before lockdown!

I’m trying to focus on the positives of this situation. I’m quite a busy person and I often say yes to more than I can really take on, so I am enjoying this period of stepping back, organising my home and evaluating what is really important to me in my life.

Remember, this is temporary. We are all in this together and every day, we are one step closer to normality and this all being over.

Dr Frankie Jackson- Spence