Joanne Malocca
Anti - Diet Dietitian
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about Joanne
Joanne Malocca is an anti-diet Registered Dietitian, specialised in intuitive eating and optimising health without dieting or weight loss. Jo is weight inclusive in all her work and helps women all over the world to end binge-eating and heal their relationship with food through her Instagram @antidietanswers and 1-1 coaching available via her website,
Covid-19 is changing the way we shop, eat and think about food
For those of us who like to keep in touch with the latest advances in food, diet and nutrition for optimising health and vitality– we never thought that pasta (the original one, made from actual wheat, not soya bean!) would be one of the most demanded foods of 2020 so far.
Alongside the threat to our health, the Covid-19 pandemic has brought major change to our careers, finances, shopping habits, daily routine and even our meal pattern and the foods we consume. Thankfully, the global rush to the shops for food has calmed in recent weeks and we have now accepted that depleted supermarket shelves will continue to be restocked by our key workers. That said, ‘popping to the shops’ for one or two items is no more. Households are grappling with the fact that just one member must make the trip around the isles for their entire clan and in many cases, for their more vulnerable extended family members too.