Over the years, Brenda Joysmith’s art
work has received valued exposure
through electronic media as it has
been displayed on the sets of both network television series (The Cosby
Show, A Different World, Amen, Family Matters, Sinbad, In The Heat Of
The Night, Sparks, Good News, The
Gregory Hines Show, The Jamie Foxx
Show, Malcolm and Eddie, The Hughleys, Cosby, and Ricochet) and feature
films (Philadelphia, Lethal Weapon
III, Ghost Dad, House Party II, Jason's
Lyric, A Family Thing, A Preacher's
Wife, Love and Basketball, Music of
the Heart, All That Glitters, and Kingdom Come).
Joysmith Gallery’s mission is to provide
Brenda's original pastel paintings are both cause and caliber in its presentaowned by: Maya Angelou, Roberta tion of works by established and emergFlack, B Smith, Oprah Winfrey, and ing Black artists from Africa and the dithe U.S. Embassy Ambassador's resi- aspora. In selecting artists, works, and
dence in Lesotho, South Africa. To- themes, the gallery ascribes to Okwui
day, Joysmith Studio services over Enwenzor’s expression that the aim of
1000 retail galleries and several na- curating is not to be a tastemaker but to
tional and international art distribu- provide knowledge - not just of art but of
the world in which it is made.