Inspire Change Wellness How to Quit Cocaine | Page 3

COCAINE IS DIFFERENT  Cocaine rehab also isn’t even viewed the same by the legal system. Unlike marijuana or alcohol; cocaine possession is a much more serious crime. Although marijuana and alcohol laws may vary from state to state – cocaine is much different. For example, in New Orleans – a major drinking city in the United States – one can simply walk around on the street and drink, if it is in a plastic cup to ensure safety. Similarly, in Colorado – marijuana can be consumed and bought legally, with the tax revenue even contributing to the school system there, treating marijuana as a commodity that can be taxed for a positive purpose. Cocaine is, with good reason, viewed differently – one doesn’t consume cocaine freely and openly, and the medicinal values of cocaine are not debated or pushed forward as an argument for legalization.  Cocaine rehab certainly isn’t easy. There are areas in the world that understand that if someone isn’t terrorizing a neighbourhood by trying to distribute cocaine or part of a violent cartel – that cocaine may be a personal problem where they may not be violent or a menace to the community, but merely neglecting their personal and professional priorities to the point where it is making their life worse. It should also be mentioned that unlike alcohol, which is available down the street at the friendly bar; obtaining cocaine may mean that you must deal with unsavoury people. These criminals may be in the business of trying to create addicts, to keep them indebted, so that a cycle continues, that means misery for the addict, but profit for the dealer.