Inspire Change Wellness Drug Detox Programs | Page 19

What is Cocaine? Cocaine is known for being an ‘upper’, a stimulant that may be used to elevate the mood, give an individual a burst of energy, and keep a person awake. Unfortunately, cocaine is highly addictive due to these results. Who doesn’t want to feel energetic, happy, and productive in our daily lives? This attraction, the good feeling, this ‘high’ is highly sought after by the rich white-collar businessman as well as the poor dock worker existing on pennies. Unfortunately, the ‘high’ from a dose of cocaine lasts only 15 30 minutes. This short acting high necessitates repeat usage amounts to produce a lasting feeling of euphoria. Therefore, addiction to cocaine can financially break a person within a short amount of time. Not only personal financial loss is felt, but communities suffer as a result as well by increased potential for crime or other illegal activities.