Inspire Change Wellness Drug Detox Programs | Page 12
Depending on what drug is involved, including alcohol, different medications may be
utilized to assist in lessening the discomfort the body feels during withdrawal. Often
antianxiety medications are given to lessen the emotional stress, and under certain
circumstances medications are offered to assist in the physical discomfort under the
supervision of a licensed medical provider.
Best practice recommends detoxification take place in a licensed facility with trained
professionals for safety, comfort and successful withdrawal. Attempting to go it alone is
often unsuccessful and can be dangerous. Often relapses may be fatal after quitting suddenly
(cold turkey) as an abuser often returns to the drug of choice at the same level of usage as
before. If the body has been detoxified, this amount may be too much for the body to handle,
and overdose may occur.
As with any medical changes, it is best to communicate with a counselor, medical
professional or helpline when seeking help with addiction. Obtaining qualified assistance is
key in regard to safety, success, and long-term sobriety when dealing with addiction.