Inspire Change Wellness Cocaine and Marijuana Addiction Rehab | Page 7

Marijuana: Common Misconceptions Debunked By Experts Marijuana can take away your stress and anxiety ◦ Addicts justify smoking weed on grounds that it helps them cope better with situations that t igge st ess a d a iet . The e a e o fli ti g ie s that a ijua a a e used as a gate a d ug . A o di g to studies, a ijua a addi ts te d to use othe d ugs too to ope ith unpleasant circumstances; however, other researchers claim that marijuana is not linked with usage of other drugs. Marijuana is not good medicine ◦ Advocates of marijuana state that marijuana is less harmful than other drugs and there is no harm in using it sometimes. Marijuana is thought to be less harmful than alcohol or tobacco. There is misinformation that if marijuana is good medicine, it is safe for recreational purposes too. To say that repeated abuse of marijuana has no effects on the brain and does not cause addiction is WRONG. Marijuana can trap you in a state where you want more of it or other drugs. Tens of thousands of people die every year from drug abuse. Marijuana usage is temporary ◦ The younger the person is when he starts smoking marijuana, the higher the chances of the person continuing to smoke pot in adulthood. Research shows that 62 percent people who started marijuana before turning 15 were more likely to continue using cocaine. Marijuana is safe for recreation ◦ Marijuana can cause serious health problems. It contains over 400 chemicals, including 60 cannaboids. Smoking marijuana can leave five times more tar in your lungs than tobacco. Marijuana also has 70 percent more carcinogens. It also puts people, especially adolescents, at higher risks of mental health problems.