Inspire Change Wellness Cocaine and Marijuana Addiction Rehab | Page 3

Cocaine Addiction Rehab: What You Should Know? Rehabilitation Process for Cocaine Addiction ◦ The symptoms mentioned above denote the seriousness of the drug abuse. The person suffering from cocaine abuse is not just risking his own self but those around him as well. Therefore, it makes immediate treatment mandatory. ◦ The rehabilitation process of cocaine addiction starts off with detox. Detox, or detoxification, refers to the program that is executed in the cocaine addiction rehab to cleanse the body from the waste material and any foreign substance through the liver. ◦ Detoxification is a natural process that continues to happen regardless of your drug practice, but during drug rehab, it is medically assisted to withdraw the toxins related to cocaine from the body. The cocaine addiction rehab focuses more on dealing with the withdrawal symptoms and the dependence that you have developed on the drug. ◦ In the modern rehab processes, the support programs take the drug abuse sufferers after they get detoxified and help them develop resistance towards cocaine and other drugs. ◦ Cocaine addiction rehabs provide withdrawal management that helps in dealing with the physical and psychological dependence on the drug and prevent possibilities of relapse.