Inspire Change Wellness Alcohol & Addiction - An A to Z of Rehab | Page 8

W HEN S HOULD Y OU G O TO R EHAB FOR A DDICTION  Addiction rehab is a place where addicts can go to fully recover from abusing substances. If you are abusing a substance, odds are it is negatively affecting your life, whether it is affecting your friends, work life, or any other aspect of your life. Once people cross the line from occasionally drinking to frequent drinking, or doing addictive drugs, there is a spiral where they slowly lose the ability to say know. It is important to understand that even if you haven’t hit the bottom of the barrel, you are still in need of help through a rehab program. Many people spend far too long convincing their selves that they are “not as bad as they could be”. This is a dangerous way of thinking and just leads further down the path of addiction.