Inspire Change Wellness Alcohol & Addiction - An A to Z of Rehab | Page 6
How does a prevention plan work?
Creating a prevention plan for yourself
A relapse prevention plan basically works based on knowing your triggers. It is a step
by step guide to help you, and it is by you. With every trigger, you have a plan of
action for you to use to overcome the trigger and stay sober. So, like any other plan, it
will need to be changed and revised as life changes and time goes on. No plan is
perfect, as you will need to revise it from time to time as something you had planned
may not have worked but at the moment, you found another way, a better way.
A great way to help ensure your success at preventing a relapse is to create a
prevention plan. You can do this plan alone, but you need to know all of your triggers.
The best way to ensure that you have done a good job and something to consider is to
have a professional look at it. The best professional to consider looking over your plan
or to ask help to create thi