Inspirational English, May 2017 Inspirational English, May 2017 | Page 14
Continued from previous spread
The surrounding environment in schools has When you start a new project, do you talk
aesthetic and psychological properties which to the students to see what their vision
are closely related to each other. The is?
change in the visual environment aims to
improve the emotional feelings and state of We have discussions with students and
both students and the teachers, raise the teachers about the classroom design to
satisfaction and motivation for class incorporate their ideas and suggestions for
attendance, reduce tiredness and stress thus the new environment.
increasing children’s academic success rate We create individual visual project of every
in the learning process. room, corridor and foyer of the school.
Students, teachers and parents participate
voluntarily in the development of this project.
This will create a feeling that school is their
second home.
We create mural wallpaper with :
• educational panels
• picture with positive affirmations
• inspirational quotes of famous people
• positive photos of nature
• some of the material they have studied,
to help them remember it better for example
Colour and geometric characteristics of the
environment are important aspects. They
language grammar, trigonometric functions,
solar system, weather cycles
influence the students’ emotional state, • creating healthy lifestyles
mood and mentality directly. A vast majority • respect the environment
of the school buildings are old, neglected
and uninviting. This is the reason why we are
passionate about changing the learning
We want to improve the visual space through
colours by using wall paintings and photo
wallpaper in school lobbies, corridors and
classrooms with educational images and
positive affirmations connected with the
educational objectives of the project.