Inspirational English, May 2017 Inspirational English, May 2017 | Page 12
Hi Albena, you and your husband are the Your goal is to promote a beautiful, balanced
founders of Light Source Charity. How did and relaxed learning environment in
you come up with the idea? government schools. Would you describe
how you bring beauty into the classrooms?
The motto in our lives is “Beauty will save the
world ". We from LightSource charity believe Schools are our children’s second home, which
that when we live in a beautiful environment we is the reason we want to decorate them with
think beautifully, we have beautiful feelings and colourful and positive images of educational
beautiful behaviour, we create beauty. material, positive and motivational quotations
Classrooms are often boring and repulsive to which helps the children realise their creative
students in schools. And the world of children is potential leading to greater awareness.
colourful and beautiful. “Beauty
will save
Beauty is an important part of our daily lives.
When students are in a beautiful environment, it
determines them and they feel accepted at
school. When they are surrounded by beautiful
and harmoniously arranged classrooms,
students create positive thoughts, they perceive
the learning material easily and feel comfortable
at school.