Inspirational English, Issue 42, Jan/Feb 2018 Inspirational English, Issue 42, Jan Feb 2018 | Page 22

Explain to your students that they need to describe two of their personality traits , for example a loving partner , an overanalysing or a kind-hearted person . Give them a couple of minutes to write down their descriptions . When the students are ready , ask them to write a dialogue between the two traits they ´ ve just described . Explain they need to step aside and imagine that the two traits are two different people . For instance , the loving partner talks to the overanalysing person . Give them 5 minutes to complete the task . Once they ´ re ready , put them in groups and ask them to share their dialogues with their partners . Make them ponder on the question which trait ends the conversation . What does it tell them about their personality ?
The students work by themselves again . Explain that this time they have to imagine that they have invited someone for the first time at their home and want to show them a special place / object they are really proud of . You could give an example by saying what your special thing is . Personally speaking , I ´ ve got a shelf where I keep my students ´ gifts and cards . Give your students a few minutes to think and take notes . Then put them in pairs again ( but different ones from Stage 3 ) and ask them to describe this place / object to their partner . Encourage some of the students to share what they ´ ve found about their partner . Finally tell your students to go back to the first task where they had to describe themselves with three words . Ask them to think if they want to change any of the words and also if they ´ ve learnt something new about themselves . Hold a discussion about the insights they ´ ve got during the class .
Courtesy of
( http :// www . andsoshethinks . co . uk /) whose creative writing workshop
has inspired me to create this lesson plan .