Five years of impactful achievements with the
In the five years since it was launched after the 13
th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in Doha , the Global Programme for the Implementation of the Doha Declaration has scored successes in several fields of activity and benefited people in numerous countries around the world . Based on the notion that rule of law and sustainable development are interrelated and mutually reinforcing , the Doha Declaration – and the
Global Programme designed to implement it
with the generous financial support of the State of Qatar – have put into practice an exceptional promotion of a culture of lawfulness through dedicated components .
With far-reaching initiatives having been launched to great acclaim , including the
Global Judicial Integrity Network , the gender-based violence related video game ,
‘ Chuka , Break the Silence ’ or the
Line Up , Live Up sports-based curriculum , to name but a few of its unique products , the Global Programme covers a variety of disciplines through established thematic components falling under UNODC ’ s mandate .
Since coming into effect in March 2016 , the Global Programme has been committed to four main goals under the umbrella of promoting rule of law : contributing globally to integrity and accountability in the criminal justice system ; the rehabilitation and social reintegration of prisoners ; the promotion of a culture of lawfulness amongst children and youth through sports ; and the integration of crime prevention , criminal justice and rule of law related aspects into the educational system .
To date , 2.5 million people in 190 countries have already been reached by the Global Programme , with 107,000 directly benefitting from over 700 capacity-building activities . In addition , the Global Programme has been referenced in 260 official United Nations documents , thus far , as a successful technical-assistance-led programme . Amongst others , the Human Rights Council ’ s Resolution 35 / 25 noted “ with appreciation the capacity-building activities and specialized curricula developed ” by the Global Programme . Likewise , the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption , in Resolution 7 / 6 , welcomed “ the work under the Global Programme ,” as did the UN Secretary-General in his remarks to the General Assembly ’ s 72 nd session , noting “ the Assembly welcomed the follow-up to the implementation of the Doha Declaration .”
The Global Programme ’ s significant achievements are best understood through a glance at its different activities .
For the
Judicial Integrity component , two years of preparations culminated in the creation of the Global Judicial Integrity Network ,
launched in April 2018 in the presence of over 350 judicial professionals and experts , including 35 Chief Justices , over 100 senior judges and 40 judicial associations , who adopted by acclamation the Network ’ s
Terms of Reference and
Declaration . The Network assists judiciaries across the world in upholding the highest standards of integrity and independence , and in building public trust and confidence in judicial institutions . This platform of judges , for judges , allows members of the judiciary to share good practices , allows judges to learn from one another and support each other , and develops new