Until that mentality changes though it will never happen. My aim is to change that mentality.” Pennsylvania itself is strategizing how to make Erie a go-to art destination. It’s oldest art council, Erie Arts & Culture, is a strategic charitable organization, encompassing a collective vision for the advancement of the arts and culture in the community. However, with New York City, London, Miami, Venice and Paris still topping the list as artistic havens of the world, Erie does seem to have quite the upward climb before it could reach the heights of world acclaim. Sulecki’s thoughts? “Yes it will take time. Yes it will be hard, but once artist realize the potential in the millions of visitors stopping in to the local galleries and museums, we will thrive. So by staying here and sharing my vision for Erie’s art community I know others will follow. I hope to help pave the way in showing other artist that this beautiful city is worth fighting for.” The picture that started it all: An innocent image of a flower girl at a friend’s wedding, smiling through the wedding bouquet. “In that moment I could feel her happiness and I was myself happy. It was in that moment I decided I wanted to learn how to take portraits. To aspire to create an image that would invoke such emotion that I felt. To inspire a person to explore the arts. Be it a love and appreciation or a drive to create themselves.” 91