And I noticed so many of you claim the same one thing : “ My art is my escape .”

And , as you have read , I clearly understand that , but now understand it to be more akin to dancing around the truth than with it .

You do not create to escape . You only think you do . Because that ’ s what it feels like to get the slightest sip of a very full bottle ... and then put it back on the shelf .

You love the creation of your selfexpressions , because you are a born creator , and creating is what you do best - it is all you were meant to do . Everything you do is creation , and you could enjoy all things as much as your art , but art is very palpable isn ’ t it ? Bends so smoothly in your hands that you don ’ t even notice that it actually bends to your will ? It ’ s easy to roll it over your tongue and coax out the flavour you chose for it . Art is special and favoured because of its sheer tangibility , its immediate cause and effect , the instant gratification of it . However , creating , in all its forms , is your only true joy , and you have been cut so deep

by your need for it that you will bleed with that need forever .

That is why you find your redemption , your hope , your release , your inspiration , your strength and your peace in it .

That is why you run to it . Why you feel free in it . Why you feel trapped without it . Why you want to “ escape ” anything that does not seem to resemble the feel of it .

Your art , the type of creation you can pick from the garden of life with your fingers and inhale the sweetest of smells , allows you to get a glimpse of who you really are , and that is different from the other moments of your life . In the other moments , you pretend that you are something else , a non-creator , and that is feeling you wish to escape , not the life that allows you the sweetness of that creation in the first place .

The truth you can dance with is that you cannot escape yourself at all . Your art is not an escape hatch . It is the doorway to yourself . Bottoms up .

Queen of Spades

Thank you and , as always , I hope you enjoy this issue ! But if you will now please excuse me , there is a magazine full of amazing artists ( such as yourself ) that need their features written . My bottle is very full and this was

16 inspadesmag . com only my first sip .