Click . A leaf , fallen and dry , lying crisp and delicate in the puddled reflection of the Tour d ’ Eiffel . Click . A Hitchcockian black and white scene of a man bent over in a whirl of desperate flocking birds . Click . A building , sinking into the ground , a dry Titanic torn asunder upon the grass , the sky and landscape threatened by the same unseen drain .

We may not know what he thinks , but one click and we can see the world as he sees it .

“ To take pictures is to see things differently , deeper perhaps , and that ’ s the beauty of it , and the part that I enjoy ,” says Meng .

Meng goes on his walks , drawing inspiration from the grand monuments , architecture , people and the intricate avenues that labyrinth the city of love . His first passion is painting and has been from his youth . The discipline of photography , however , he found himself more reluctant to endeavor until recently . Not for any distasteful purpose , quite the opposite , in fact , it actually stemmed from his deep admiration for the craft and the skill it takes to properly wield a camera .

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