their relationship, dehydrating the affection that once poured so effortlessly and isolating them in a wasteland of mutual, solitary pain. “Unlike with painting, in photography the person you photograph is literal,” Zilberberg explains to INSPADES, comparing her experience in painting – where subjects are interpreted according to the artist’s perspective – to the more accurate and realistic representations of a subject captured by photography, “I have to make sure that the model will help me convey the message I’m trying to communicate.” Working with an authentic couple for Oasis, the clarity of Zilberberg’s vision is unmistakable. In addition to Oasis, Zilberberg’s series, Home, cleverly addresses the complexity of belonging. Born in Estonia, raised in Israel and now based in Canada, Zilberberg’s non-singular sense of ‘home’ has evolved into a unique blend of landscapes, cultures, and languages. It is her diverse upbringing which carries a multi- layered perspective to her work. Zilberberg’s Home ingeniously blends the terrains of Canada and Israel, merging their distinct landscapes into unlikely harmony. “In them, I see a familiarity,” she writes, “a place that is so beautiful, that has recognizable features, but somewhere I feel alien.” The landscapes are both wildly familiar and strangely foreign, ref lecting Zilberberg’s 16