place an emphasis on the therapeutic benefit and personal empowerment found in creating, something people have left behind in their busy lives. It is so rewarding, for both us and the guests, to watch the transformation of painters from a doubtful and anxious start to a finished product that they are amazed by! After successfully completing a painting that they were convinced they couldn’t do, we ask: “What’s next? What other challenges have you been saying ‘no’ to?” In addition to drawing attention to the achievements of the group, we additionally strive to treat each guest as an individual. We ensure that we offer encouragement and point out some aspect of each person’s painting that is outstanding. People are always so critical of their own work, and it is our job to help them break through that protective wall and recognize what they have accomplished. What advice do you have for someone who thinks they can’t accomplish something they have never done? I think you need to ask yourself, “What is the worst thing that could happen?” We need to challenge ourselves in order to grow as individuals. So my advice is: just get out there and try something new! You’ll be glad you did! 153