“One of our biggest challenges is being patient about the process. It is important for us to celebrate every small milestone as if it were a big one. It was a lot of work just to get it started as well, we were working to get the business off the ground while working other careers and engaged in higher education studies. We had to persist and focus on our business, despite the other events that were going on in our personal lives.” “The entrepreneurial journey is one of many highs and lows. There will be a day where we will hit a bump in the road, but then, all of a sudden, we will get a big break. There is often something that will surprise us every day. The best part of being an entrepreneur is meeting and networking with other like-minded people. Our company thrives off of creativity - it’s what keeps us alive. When we get the opportunity to meet other entrepreneurs and hear their stories it gets our imaginations stirring. It’s a road of constant changes, but that’s what keeps our lives interesting.”