perhaps having gone one past his red bull limit, Woods stumbled into the random shop that would lead to an unprecedented epiphany - how about socks? Once he saw them, he knew that no other gift would suit his groomsmen better than pairs of bright fuchsia socks. We didn’t realize it at the time, but this was a common experience among many guys. Around us, men from every walk of life – from truck drivers to investment bankers – were actively changing the trends in men’s fashion and attempting, with varying degrees of success, to fight against conformity. Many of us will remember the brief period in the late nineties when loud ties festooned with cartoon characters became acceptable. It was an attempt to market non- conformity while selling consumers the idea that they were somehow lampooning the status quo. The problem, however, was that there was also a point at which this weak form of rebellion became the ultimate symbol of conformity. What’s happening now is different. Unlike ties that are on display for all to see, the beauty of socks lies in the fact that they are generally hidden from view. The only clue that a man is taking a stand against the norms might be a fleeting glimpse of colour seen as he strides across the room. We fell in love with the idea of socks that were not only funky and different but that even tell their own story.” 110