Viola’s images emanate a dreamy tenderness, illuminated softly but deftly by the flowing textures that allure your senses, eagerly urging you to reach out and touch the silky smoothness of a draped cloth or caress a warm plush of downy feathers. Her use of light and shadow to create both revelation and mystery adds impeccable drama, capturing the intrinsic beauty of her subjects and giving voice to her images that is both elegantly sombre and divinely powerful. 170 “I found myself literally enchanted watching a drapery, a movement, a shadow, with my mind going into another dimension,” illumes Viola, “My passion for photography is linked to this process: taking inspiration from reality and transposing it into my imagination, applying ‘my’ light, thoughts, and world.” To conceive and create within this world of no limitation is no small undertaking, and Viola’s creative process has many facets. “The photo is never the starting point;