A perfect example of this can be seen in “Duo in Metal.” Although the models are the main focal point in the photograph, shadows and darkness steal the show. The machine gears are perfectly placed on the body, harmonizing industry and humanity. In this way, Sturman combines human with machine as if they had never existed apart. Even when industrial images are not incorporated, the end result still evokes the same dark, emotional quality. “Blown Away in Shadows” blends a stormy day on the Atlantic coast with two intersecting models. The human quality is drawn out by the shadows, leaving an image that not only creates the illusion of ashes in the wind, but also a feeling of despair. Using flashes of colour and light to draw the eye from the darkness, and monochromatic shades to enhance texture and shape, Sturman achieves an ethereal effect— something man-made yet amazingly alive; something involuntary and unconscious, yet full of static movement. 150