of nude women. To Echwantono, Woodman’s photography motivates the enigmatic tone of his art, as well as the element of emotion. “I am drawn to mysticism and, as a result, my work is strongly influenced by this. There is more to photography than making images with technical perfection,” he divulges, “I have learned to have a sense of mysticism, a special touch so that I can create a photograph which is present, not only for beauty to the eyes, but that also makes an impression on the heart.” For many creatives, the path to establishing themselves in the arts is not linear. Many end up far from their starting point and, for Echwantono, it was no different. Though he studied management in university, he settled into the arts. Devoting the last ten years to learning photography techniques from reading, while studying the great masters, Echwantono is completely self-taught. Echwantono’s creative toolkit includes Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Camera Raw. Most of his images require approximately four to six hours for the creative process and one to two hours for post-production. Ever-evolving as an artist, Echwanton