“Perhaps the locals were right and I was being watched, but if I was, it was not by something of this Earth.” M any photographers experience that one moment— the one where they capture the image that changes everything. For photographer and astrophotographer Mike Kukucska, that moment was on a warm spring evening in May 2014, the day he captured the Milky Way. Growing up, Kukucska was a huge science fiction movie fan, and in early 2014, he stumbled onto a website that featured photos of Mike Kukucska - astrophotography. Seeing the night sky taken with ordinary DSLR cameras illuminated Kukucska’s inspiration. He purchased some gear, hopped into his truck and headed towards Lake Erie for his first Milky Way adventure. Finding instant and exciting success with his first try, Kukucska was hooked—not just with the photography, but also with the absolute pleasure of venturing out into the night, exploring, unwinding and taking in a whole new world. He never looked back. On cloudy nights or nights with a bright moon, Kukucska found himself staying closer to his Canadian hometown of Hamilton, Ontario. Through long exposure techniques learned through astrophotography, he discovered an incredible world right in his own city. Over the past four years, Kukucska has been making solo trips down to Southwestern United States in search of dark skies and new inspiration, and continues to venture farther as long as he is able. One of the most rewarding aspects of these adventures have been the involvement of Kukucska’s children. This 49-year-old father of three is also the owner of Hamilton Scenic Specialty Inc., a creative company that develops and delivers innovative fabrication solutions for the themed and entertainment communities, and so he endeavours to keep