010 088 Letter from the editor Photographer makes his first contact with the Milky Way Jaclyn truss 012 Jessica Wikström A photographer was about to call it quits, when a bearded man changed everything 022 María Tudela Bermúdez We present to you, the beautifully “imperfect” photographs of María Tudela Bermúdez 064 Boby Atmajaya Java artist produces “extinction level” artworks 034 Benjamin Von Wong Shedding a glamorous light on the dim reality of E-waste 006 • Mike Kukucska 106 Diogo Sampaio 140 048 Distinguished academic, Professor Carolyn Mair, PhD, releases her first book on the psychology of fashion Fine art, concept and fashion photographer goes rogue from Russia to find her true calling in India Carolyn Mair Traversing the laborious path of freelance design in Portugal 146 114 “There is something so intriguing and exciting about going to these long forgotten places.” Santiago Gonzalez I journeyed a passage no one ever saw fit... 124 Deborah Lillis 152 Farhad Khodayari Stacey Sparkles Artist from Iran creates a fantastical documentary of the unreal, inspired by Anime and Japanese symbolism “Exploring abandoned places is like entering an alternate universe; one that no one, except a small pocket of people, knows exists.” Victoria Krundysheva