action because you believe you have to. We all mostly muddle through days of uninspired action because we have come to limit ourselves to believe a passion or a true calling refers strictly to a much larger concept, some “big picture” thing we want to do with the whole of our lives, and moved away from the understanding that it can include the seemingly mundane, every day, small picture things, like chores, card writing, phone calls, everyday work tasks, a trip to the bank or organizing a junk drawer. But haven’t you noticed there are just times where you want to get something done right now, like the dishes, cleaning out a closet, finally getting around to some work report or doing some accounting, and it is just so satisfying when you do it? And sometimes, you really just don’t want to do something but you have convinced yourself the sky will fall if you don’t do it, so you toil and strain to make it happen but end up not really getting anything done and the task drags on for days and weeks anyway? Because we spend so much doing things we don’t want to do, we have come to block ourselves off from our natural inspiration and enjoyment of doing everyday things that we would generally otherwise take at least some modicum of pleasure in, and that would positively affect the way we feel and how we live our lives. So recently, when I am too tired or uninspired to do something, I don’t do it, even if I think I “should” because I know that if I try, my energy will not be in the right place and the task will take longer than it should, have more problems than it should, be less successful than it should and I’ll generally lack any good feeling toward the endeavour whatsoever. But, if I wait until I feel inspired to do it, it’ll take seemingly no time at all, everything will flow smoothly and success will seem assured, or I’ll be in a good enough place that I won’t particularly care about the outcome. In the splitting of moments, one from the other, in manipulating that space between thought and action, I’ve dipped my toe into the time reserved for inspired action, and by doing so, I’ve created more time for myself and take more delight in how I spend my time. I highly recommend giving it a try, at the very least, you’ll get more guilt-free sleep and can put off organizing your sock drawer for another day. Enjoy! — when you feel inspired to— Queen of Spades • 011