Letter From the Editor BY JACLYN TRUSS Inspired Action Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. —Viktor E. Frankl! images by Farhad Khodayari - @Gurenworld I feel everything. Sure, we all feel things, but I feel more things. Not more than everyone, but more than many. My zodiac sign is Cancer, and we’re known for being the most emotionally reactive of the bunch, as we find ourselves fully enveloped not only in our own emotions but that of everyone else. It takes an extraordinary effort to train your brain away from a reactionary emotional state (personally I’m at 20 exciting years and counting), but it is the worthiest of endeavours. There are many gifts to be unwrapped in the ability to know what someone is thinking, feeling, needing, wanting, fearing or reacting to—especially when you can know it before they do—but only when you yourself have a measure of self-control. So how do you go about sorting yourself out in an all- encompassing emotional mix? Between every thought and every reaction exists a small span of time that many of us do not bother to utilize. I simply call it “response time” and it is a valuable, malleable moment that occurs between a stimulus and a response and, with practice, you can stretch that moment for as long as you need it to be to mold the response you prefer. Over time, I have gotten pretty skilled in exercising the use of this time and it has been to my full advan tage with my reactions now representing the few and my responses representing the many. The success of this has led me to discover an emotional time-play that I am newly cognizant to, one I like to call “inspired action time”. I have found that doing anything when feeling inspired to creates a productivity level, success rate and emotional enjoyment that is tenfold when compared to uninspired action. By inspired action, I mean action you must take, not because you have to, but because you are driven to, happily, by some unseen force. You are truly compelled to take action at that moment. These are the moments we love, you know, those moments that don’t feel like work even if you’re working. Uninspired action, however, is the action you take because you feel you obliged to do it, you have no true call to it at that moment, you’re just drudging through some