Insite Guides August 2017 Top Docs | Seite 15

B R A Z O S VA L L E Y P H Y S I C I A N S & S P E C I A L I S T S TOP DOCS SuperSlow Zone Strong Bone Health Strong Bones. Strong Body. SuperSlow Zone strives to help you build strong bones, joints, and muscles. SuperSlow Zone’s newest Strong Bone Health program is ideal for seniors, people with osteopenia or osteoporosis, and everyone who wants to keep their bones strong and healthy now. The World Health Organization ranks osteoporosis 2nd only to heart disease as a global health care problem. With the new two-step Strong Bone Health program, patients could see an increase in bone density from seven to 16 percent in year one. The two-step program is quick and easy; your appointment will take as little as 15 minutes, one time a week. You start with Power Plate, which activates the body for the next step. Then, using the new bioDensity machine, you will complete four exercises. The exercises act as a stimulus on the bone, and the body’s natural response to that stimulus is to make your bones stronger. Working your core, arms, and legs, it only takes a few weeks to build stronger bones and prevent future injuries. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION For more information about the new Strong Bone Health program, visit or call (979) 693-6100. click 27