Insights Success The 10 Best E-Healthcare Solution Provider Compani | Page 45
Expert’s Insight
with smart minds and enthusiastic
individuals who are always striving to
make the best of everything given to
them. Or “Hustling” as we like to call
it. In the past few years, due to the
enthusiasm that technology has
inspired, we have seen huge behavioral
changes in the way we access multiple
services. Earlier we used to stand in
long queues to pay electricity bills,
take time out to walk to the store to
shop for necessities, book cabs a day in
advance, run to the bank for
transactions, and stand in queues to
book train tickets. Today, it is a
common practice to recharge phones,
pay for utilities, order clothes online,
make transfers, and all of this using
just a smartphone device. 10 years ago
if someone would have told, you
would a get a cab in 2 minutes by just a
few clicks on your phone, it would
have been hard to believe. Today, it is
an accepted reality; such is the power
of technology and this said technology
is penetrating into all domains
including healthcare. Healthcare is an
important domain in which technology
is crucial to meet the rising health
needs of the country.
but the poor infrastructure and the lack
of skilled staff makes it difficult for
people to avail these services. A lot
more needs to be done and that is
where technology can help. Moreover,
at the pace at which the country’s
population is growing, we would need
twice the number of doctors that we
have already in order to meet the WHO
standard. Startups like DocsApp, are
working hard towards making high
quality healthcare accessible to the
indicator of the world that we are
going to see where patients will
primarily access doctor online and
meet physically only when absolutely
For countries like the US and China,
healthcare is primarily driven by
Insurance companies and the State. On
the contrary, in India people have the
liberty to choose their preferred
medical care because a majority of the
population, 85% approximately, pay
for their medical consultations right
Today, we are a tech savvy generation; out of their own pockets. That being
we like to be served quickly, we cannot said, new and innovative ideas will be
even wait to think, we just Google it!
welcomed as it serves a dual purpose;
From going to our mom’s kitchen for a infrastructure costs of offline medical
home remedy when we were down
care will be brought down drastically
with the flu, we’ve evolved to
which will make doctors will also be
searching for online solutions.
able to serve patients beyond any
According to statistics, 5% of the
geographical limits and consultations
Google search keywords are related to will be cost effective.
health and medical conditions. There
has been a paradigm shift, people are
In the future, geographical constraints
comfortable with talking to doctors
will be a thing of the past. As the
online, and it is more convenient for
access to high-speed internet is
the people to seek virtual help for all
increasing, video consultation is
health issues and ailments. The
becoming seamless and convenient.
younger generations in 20-40 age
We wouldn’t be surprised if VR
brackets are looking online for doctor consultations would become a real
consultations, medicine delivery and
Anecdotal reports suggest that a
thing in the years to come.
whopping 700 million people have no getting labs test done at home and the
access to specialist doctors in India,
The changing behavior of the young
80% of the population live in rural
populace combined with the strong
areas of the country and have minimal The future hospitals as I see will be 70 need for innovative solutions is how
% online and 30% offline. People
or no access at all to primary
we can solve the mammoth healthcare
would get their OPD (Outpatient
healthcare. The most shocking fact of
issues in the country. Online healthcare
Department) consultations done easily solutions will be the only and preferred
the matter is that 90% of specialist
doctors practice in the top cities of the over the mobile and consult the doctor option in the days to come. The
country, whereas 90% of the demand is via video chat. At junctures where a
internet has democratized multiple
from people residing in places outside physical examination is mandatory by industries like travel, music, retail etc.
the doctor, they would visit the hospital The impact in healthcare domain is
tier 1 and tier 2 cities. There is huge
after which they would further follow- truly waiting to unfold in the next 10
mismatch in patient demand and
up with the doctor online. Primarily,
supply of doctors.
years. Better IOT devices for vitals
procedures and surgeries would
tracking, cloud software, AI helping
continue to happen at the offline
Even though central and state
doctors in diagnosis, are all happening
hospitals. What we see at DocsApp
governments have initiated various
as we speak. DocsApp and other
today is that we provide specialist
universal healthcare programs,
online health solutions are rightly
doctor consultation for more than 1500 positioned to transform the future of
successful implementation of such
patients a day, which is higher than any the Indian healthcare system.
schemes is still a distant dream.
Government hospitals offer treatments, other offline hosp ital. This is an
December 2017