Insights Success The 10 Best Architecture Consultants in Nov 2017 | Page 15
The firm takes a deeply contextual approach to its
work and combines this with a strong focus on
the tactile and sensory qualities of the space. The
design process looks at sustainability through the
multiple lenses of cultural, social and
environmental impact. There is an active
engagement in integrating localized skills and
resources with state of the art materials and
The Remarkable Trio
Studio Lotus was set up in 2002 by the
remarkable trio; Ambrish Arora, Sidhartha
Talwar and Ankur Choksi. They started the firm
by pretty much accepting whatever work they
got, which included a couple of small office
interiors. There was a time when all work dried
up and they had no money to pay salaries and
were considering shutting down. Just at that time
they happened to get a job to design a crafts
festival at Patiala, where the appointed designers
had backed out last minute. The fees from the
project tided them over for a month after which a
small stream of work started flowing in. A few of
their early projects won some awards and also got
some referrals, which helped the trio to start their
journey slowly and steadily.
Ambrish Arora is the Founding Principal &
CEO at Studio Lotus. In his working career of 30
years, Ambrish has worked in diverse fields
including boat building, cinema, museum, &
exhibit design before immersing himself in the
domain of spatial design. Ambrish has an active
interest in the role of design in society and
businesses. He has lectured extensively at various
global design forums and served as visiting
faculty and juror at design competitions &
institutes internationally and in India. He is a
member of the CII National Committee on design
and on the governing board of the Jawahar Kala
Sidhartha Talwar, Founding Principal is an
Architect with a domain experience of over 20
years. At Studio Lotus, he has developed various
architectural, interiors, and master planning
projects largely in the fields of hospitality/
resorts, public buildings, and residences.
Sidhartha has also won the National Architectural
Design Competition held for the National Police
Memorial. He has been a visiting faculty member
and juror at various design institutions and